Taxi Drivers
Klaus Maria Einwanger

Product Information
English //
German translation booklet available
published on April 3rd 2023
1st edition // 2,000g // 232 pages
240mm x 320mm x 27mm

"Der Fotograf Klaus Maria Einwanger hat einen Bildband über Taxifahrer in drei Metropolen auf drei Kontinenten veröffentlicht. Einwanger zeigt in seinen Bildern, wie unterschiedlich ihre Welt ist. Seine Bilder zeigen Leidenschaft für den Beruf – und Resignation."
- Spiegel
"Authentisch, kosmopolitisch, ästhetisch Taxi Drivers"
- 3sat
"Die Bilder erzählen etwas über Stimmungen und Haltungen der Personen und verraten damit eine Menge über das Selbstbild, das die Taxifahrer von sich und ihrem Beruf haben."
- Süddeutsche Zeitung

Cab drivers in New York, London and Tokyo form the backdrop for this unique and high-quality photo book.
„Taxi Drivers. Written In Their Faces“ by Klaus Einwanger, curated by Sonya Winterberg and designed
by Christian Grundl.
Most people associate cab driving in these cities with iconic vehicles: The Yellow Cabs in New York City, the black limousines of London, and the shiny polished Tokyo cabs. The personal stories of the drivers in these cities inspired internationally renowned photographer Klaus Maria Einwanger.
The daily existential worries of New Yorkers, the intrepidity of Londoners, and the distinguished pride of Tokyo drivers form the area of tension of Taxi Drivers. Written In Their Faces – an aesthetic and equally cosmopolitan discovery of a seemingly mundane microcosm.
The authentic portraits of the drivers also show the recent developments caused by ride-sharing apps like Uber. Einwanger's work visually documents the slow decline in values, masterfully photographed with Leica cameras. The faces portrayed tell of hope lost and desperate battles fought but also of combative spirit and creative protest.
His homage to the cab drivers of this world is both personal and universal - and, as he likes to point out,
"written all over their faces."
